Plain Hand Flags are one of the UK's largest flag retailers but not just for plain flags but also Plain Handwavers. Perfect for any event or occasion, these great quality polyester hand waver flags come in multiple colours for multiple events, great for sporting events, fairs and much more. Coming in two sizes, large 18x12 inch flags on a 24" pole and small 9x6 inch flags on a 12" pole, these hand flags are perfect for both adults and children. These plain colour hand flags are all an one colour design for each flag, the colours that we offer on our plain hand flags are; black, blue, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white and yellow.

Not only are these great for events, they are also great for anybody looking to design their own flags without going thre the whole artwork sumbition and copyright issue on bigger company sites. With all our Plain Hand Waving Flags for sale online and over the phone on 01782 337030 we can also provide free delivery to any customer in the uk.